"Influencer" Etiquette?

Look, I get that being a social media "influencer" can be a full-time gig. There are quite a few people who have made it so they don't have to work a regular 9 to 5. However, that doesn't mean everyone else is on your schedule. If you get paid to be on social media all day, good for you. There's still no need to be a primadonna, or demand that everyone else give you attention as soon as you make a post. Is there no etiquette book, no guidelines, for people working in this industry? Do the companies who sponsor you, or who you represent, know whether or not their ambassadors are actually decent human beings? What people post publically can be entirely different from what they say, or how they act, in private. I've met some nasty, vile people working as influencers, & some jerks who weren't even getting paid (or getting free products), they're just attention-seeking social media addicts who can't survive without their content getting maximum likes. Besides not being a toxic individual, what else is an unspoken (or unwritten) rule of being a social media starling? I personally know a brand ambassador who badmouthed the company he represented. Not in public, of course, but do you really think someone didn't rat them out? For whatever their reasoning was, someone dropped a few screenshots and the guy in question lost his ambassador status. You never, EVER bite the hand that feeds you, people! You also never trust that your discussions online are truly private, but I digress. That's a topic for another day. The term "influencer" is supposed to mean someone in any given community or group that inspires others to do things, try new stuff, and just generally be better. While I'm vexed to see more shady customers donning the title, I have faith that, especially in the nail tech and nail artist community, the ones who are a bad influence won't be influencing others with their poor habits and attitudes!
